

With over 20 years of experience in enterprise technology marketing and sales, my expertise includes a broad range of business and technology skills related to product management, product marketing and branding.  Having worked at both large enterprise firms and start-ups alike, I have a unique ability to perform many cross-functional skills, while working within demanding schedules and budgets.  With strong management and team-building skills, I have successfully provided both strategic and tactical marketing for many enterprise software and Internet firms, including Cisco, On24, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe, Sun Microsystems, AOL. Netscape, Novell, Hitachi, Women.com and Earthlink, among others.


Selected Highlights

Marketing & Communications / Management Consulting

  • Strategy Marketing
  • Product Marketing
  • Change Management /
    Change Adoption
  • Team Development
  • Graphics Design
  • Storytelling & Branding
  • SaaS Business Models
  • B2B Marketing
  • Change Management & Corp. Communications: Created concept and execution of internal communication publishing platform for Cisco software team; Improved collaboration and coordination of development teams away from an email-based communications culture; Result: 86% cost and time savings to group.
  • Industry Awards: Expanded internal communications management efforts for expanded coverage of Cisco Support Website; Result: Multiple winning awards for customer support (SSPA “Star Award” and ASP “Ten Best Support Websites” Award)
  • Company & Product Launch: Successfully conceived and launched company and product announcements for an unknown start-up (Whistle Communications; later acquired by IBM); activities included development of corporate and product positioning; Result: A new category creation with analysts; extensive coverage in leading industry and non-industry publications; Resulted in brand awareness, sales and ultimately, a successful $110M+ exit acquisition.

Product Management / Project Management

  • Product Planning & Strategy
  • Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy
  • Market Strategy
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Sales Enablement
  • Product Management: Simultaneously product managed and launched two award-winning products, IBM/Lotus’ cc:Mail for Windows 2.0 and cc:Mail for OS/2 WPS; Result: Increased revenues by 122% over previous releases.
  • Re-Positioning & Update: Product managed award-winning CMS product, Infosquare 2.0; activities included major user interface update and re-positioning; development of sales enablement tools and training; worked closely with engineering team to accelerate product schedules based on new GTM strategies; Result: Increased sales over 252% with new refresh.

Product & Market Analysis

  • Positioning Strategies
  • Customer Reference Programs
  • White Paper Development
  • Market Analysis & Consulting: Led a team of analysts in market research and analysis of the Worldwide Software market for Gartner Group / Dataquest during a key time in software market growth. Developed series of white papers and reports on subjects as diverse as the “Influence of Microsoft” and the “Impact of Groupware Computing Upon Organizations.”; Result: Expanded consulting bookings portion of business by 64%.

Operations Management

  • Operations Enablement
  • Fiscal Planning & Analysis
  • SaaS/Cloud Pricing & Analysis
  • Strategy Development
  • Event Marketing
  • Employee Engagement
  • Operations Enablement: Concept creation and development of strategic programs to support and drive the operations effective progress for several key strategic initiatives in emerging software group within Cisco; creation of workflows and processes to aid in the collaboration of executive level decision making; Result: A more agile operation leadership team; increased productivity and faster decision making.
  • Fiscal Yearly Portfolio Planning: Working closely with individual lines-of business (LOBs) and business units (BUs) to collaborate on the creation of a multi-year SaaS portfolio strategy and execution plans; development of stakeholder communications, evangelism and project schedules to match executive expectations for successful cloud business models. Result: On-target budgeting of over $300M budget & portfolio.